The 正规赌博十大网站 Foundation is pleased to acknowledge our benefactors in the Honor Roll of Donors* who supported Rochester Community and Technical College. We gratefully honor you, our loyal alumni, friends, faculty, and staff for your generous spirit. Your commitment helps us to improve the lives of our students with investments in academic quality, providing for students’ basic needs, and scholarships.
President’s Club ($5,000+)
Neil Anderson
Brenda Dicken
Richard and Patricia Geier
John Glawe
Linda and Leon Gregg
Dr. John Haberman
Dr. Thomas and Shaun Hamburgen
John and Rita Hunt
Dr. Franklyn and Anne Knox
Rebecca Hill and Jevan Loshbough
Roy Hoffman
Philip and Catherine Karsell
Marilyn Morem
Kim Norton and Randy Stone
Joselyn Raymundo and Sean McCauley
Don and Stephanie Supalla
Stewardship Club ($1,000-$4,999)
Jeannie Anderson
Martha Batzner
Jeffery and Carolyn Boyd
Allen and Marcia Dollerschell
Thomas and Lynne Marie Gaffey
Pat and Janet Gannon
Bill and Kay Haling
Paula Kath
James Kraps
Markus Lang
Thu-ha Park
Irvin and Maureen Plitzuweit
Priscilla Russell
Jean Schnelle
Lawrence and Mary Schwanke
Dean and Julianne Stenehjem
John Wade
Doug and Terry Wiltsie
Dean’s Club ($500-$999)
Jennifer Andrew
Don Baldus
Janet and Wayne Bartz
Keri Bedeaux
David and Kathy Borchardt
Alex Brainard
Thomas Brinkman and Judy Pease
Carol Eppen
Carrie Fried
Colleen Fried
Guy and Terri Finne
Diane Hensel
Ginger and David Holmes
Dale Jech
Anthony Joseph
Scott Joseph
Mary Ellen Malkasian
Thomas and Mary Ostrom
Kelly Pyfferoen
Marj and Donald Reif
Robert and Cheryl Roediger
Ione Schloegel
Shannon Springer
Mark Trisko
Travis Wilkens
College Club ($200-$499)
Samantha Ahrens
Marivel Bermudez
Jamie Bjerke
Brenda Brown
Dr. Teresa Brown
Jane and Mark Callahan
Deborah Cannon
Patricia Christofferson
Jeremy Clain
Patricia A. Clancy
Annie M. Clement
Andrew Davick
Kelly Domaille
Heather Donovan
Lester Draeger Jr.
Nicholas Dulitz
Catherine Ellstrom
Larry Frazier
Daniel Froelich
Jeff Gorman
Arlene Groskreutz
Eugene Grover
Lori and Mark Halverson-Wente
Lisa Joan Harnack
Judy Haugen
Matt Horace
Frank and Linda Iossi
Jason Jadin
Gary and Judy Kingsbury
Sheila Kiscaden
Russell Larson
Tammy and Dwayne Lee
Mike Macken
Rebecca Macken
Jamie Mahlberg
Kristin Mannix
Jenee and Shep McGurren
Linda Miller
Chao Mwatela
Tasha Nelsen
Roger and Maggie Nolte
Allan and Shaune O'Bryan
Judy G. Pease
Michelle and Todd Pyfferoen
Patricia Rogers
Jerry Santiago
Dawn Cherie Saterdalen
Scott Schneider
Ann Sigford
Sam Slightam
Angela Smith
Ellen Stelling
Kenneth and Gwen Stevens
Heather Stockmo
Bruce and Paulette Teigen
Taresa Tweeten
Nikka and Stuart Vrieze
Sheryl Wagner
Jennifer Wells
Kerrie Wells
Janette Williams
Ma Yu
Anthony and Liz Zucco
Centennial Club ($100-$199)
Katie Adelman
Bradley Ahrens
Michael Alto
Emily Anderson
Gail L. Anderson
William Bakken
William and Edwina Bean
Deborah and Robert Bendzick
Rick Billings
Donald Borcherding
Patricia Bradley
Nichole Braithwait
Kati Tweeten and Brandon Bergey
Melissa Brown
Sylwia Bujak
Luverne and Margaret Bushlack
Annette Caflisch
Marianne Carr
Ruth and Jerry Casper
Cy and Cheryl Champa
Eva Colligan
Tammy Condon
Josh Conley
Jill Cordes
Barbara Daugherty
Greg Davis
Roxanne De Leon
Teresa Dewitt
Jeanne Dick
Diana DiPasquale
Patrick Doyle
Emily Dumonseau
Dawn and Jon Eckhoff
Tammy Eickhoff
Sandra George
Jim Gilkinson
Keith Grundfeldt
Pamela Haase
Jane Hallman
Lynda Hanley
Alan W Hansen
Ally Hanten-Ebert
Julie A. Harris
Becky Hase
Jason Haugen
Rebecca Henderson
Mark Hettinger
Ben Holthus
Patricia Horst
Deborah and H. James Jacobsen
Katherine and Stanley Jacobson
Alyssa Jensen
Allen Jones
Doug Jones
Kevin Jones
Carol and Reuben Kamper
Aaron Kern
Isaac Kern
Jeremy Kern
Sara Klug
Brett Knutson
Joe and Marilyn Kocer
Ashley Kuhn
Alex Lair
Colleen Landherr-Maddox
Gina Larimore
Marcia Larson
Melissa Leuning
Alaya London
Jill Luttchens
Sam Macken
Mark and Kristine Litzow
Ben Matzek
Walt R. Menning
John Mills
Tina Minnich
Anne Mitchell
Steve Nelson
Judith OFallon
Angie OHara
Dawn OHara
Carlie Olson
Kelly Olson
ViAnn Olson
Donald J. Ott
Maureen Rice
Luis Rodriguez
Jeff Rohl
Gail M. Sauter
Deanne Louise Schemmel
Les Siem
Heather Sklenicka
Eugene and Mary Sorensen
Joy Strand
Sue Sundlee
Sylvia Swede
Katie and Jeff Swegarden
Cathy Swessel
Jean Tweeten
Jimmy Velasquez
Peggy Vevang
Darlene Vowels
Ken Wickelgren
William and Brianna Fay
Cory Wilson
Joyce Wood
Mike Younge
Friends of 正规赌博十大网站 (Up to $100)
Sandra Aaby
Olimpia Acunzo
Nolan Ahrens
Randy Ahrens
Teagun Ahrens
Mary KV Anderson
Morrey Anderson
Patricia G. Anderson
Julie Autry
Barbie Baer
Freddie Baez
Wade Beavers
Josh Bendickson
A. A. Benedett
Timothy Benetti
Veronica Benetti
Bryan Deane Benson
Richard Berg
Blair Bestor
Susan Black
Jason Bonde
Lindsey Borchardt
Sandy Boss
Arlouene and John Bothum
Dale Brandenburger
Marty Branum
Peggy Brenner
Nancy Brubaker
Joel Burgos
Michael Burns
Melanie Callister
Rocco Campanale
Joyce G. Campion
Alfredo Carrion
Randall Carson
Patti Cassel
Michelle Cochran
Chad Condon
Craig and Joy Sheets
Genell Cummings
Jennifer Dahle
Joanne Dalin
Abigail Deetz
Chris Deflorian
Natalie Dicke
Robert Dimler
Yolanda Dirksen
Derek Dolan
Matt Durand
Carter Dylla
Irene Dylla
Nick Dylla
Bailey Engler
Pam Engler
Daniel Evenson
Katherine Evenson
Linda and Ed Fair
Margaret E. Farrell
John Finocchi
Janet Fitzgerald
Mandy Fletcher
Brad Flies
Karen Fredin
Cherie L. Fritz
James and Rachel Garber
Kaden Garza
Payton Garza
Devin Geer
Carolyn and Gerard Goulet
Jake Griggs
Brent Gurtner
Doston Harrelson
Faye Harris
Kyle Hauskins
Ruth C. Hein
Teri Hill
Rollie Hinck
Jared Hoscheit
Kim Hoscheit
Seth Hoscheit
Keith House
Scott Hubatch
Rich Hummer
Darcy Ihrke
Jorrie Johnson
Nancy L. Johnson
Clark S. Jones
Jay Kachelski
Travis Kaehler
Cris Kellas
Angela Klecker
Debbie Knutson
Carter Kopet
Molly Kor
Maria Koster
Dewey and Sue Krahn
Mary Kramer
Ross Kramer
Ryan Krautkremer
Russell L. and Susan I. Kreager
Mike Krenik
Kelly Kruger
Jesse Krusmark
Janet Kuchera
Zen Kuzyk
Tammy Langager
Brian and Kristin LaPlante
Meaghan Larimore
Lisa Larsen
Jacob Larson
Edward and Patricia Lavelle
Ronnie Lay
Joelle Lefevre
Brent Legred
Sage Leinweber
Caroline Lyngstad
Bill Maki
Patricia Mann
Brenda Maringer
Janice Marshall
Julius Matos
Nancy Matthews
Patricia Matzke Engrav
Amy and Stan Mayer
Brian McQuilkin
David McSherry
Douglas Meine
Todd Meiners
Mike Mensing
Michelle L. Messenger
Jean Meyer
Mike Meyer
Rod Milbrandt
Karen Moen
Patrick Moore
Eric Myhre
Cosette Nasiedlak
Bonnie Naumann
Marie Northwick
Kerry Novotny
Ria Obrien
Megan OHara
Travis Ohly
Tricia Olinger
Grace Olive
Sharon and William Oliver
Ursula Olson Hernandez
Cary Olson
Patricia O'Neil
Greg and Lois Paquette
LaDonna M. Paul
Peggy Vevang and Ron Dickie
Richard Pottorff
Stacey S. Pratt
Chris Prindle
Collin Printz
Mirwais Qader
Mario Relvini
Ren and Grace Olive
Julie Rivers
Roxy and Steve Roadway
Sam Rockne
Gyselle Rodriguez
Missy Roeker
Jim Rothmund
Kimberly Rowley
Nikkilynn Rud
Priscilla Ruemping
Berny and Nina Saletel
Robert Salvatori
Kerry Schad
Debra Schloegel
David and Mary Schrandt
Diane and J.L. Schwinghammer
Cindy S. Seabright
Laura Sheehan
Frank Siebenaler
James C. Siebenaler
Andrew Simmons
Brenda Simon
Benjamin Slack
Jim Slavin
Brian Sleik
Scott Smith
Greg Sommers
Betty Spitzmiller
Nick Sprau
Mark and Renee Stanchfield
Denise Stegall
Joe Stemper
Josh Stevens
Michael Strausbauch
Lynn Sulackow
Baird and Elizabeth Swanson
Amanda Swintek
Eric Tarr
Ruby Teague
Marilyn and Thomas Theismann
Veronica Theobald
Ken Thorne
Ginny Ties
Kathleen Vergenz
Anders Vevang
Dan Vevang
Erik Vevang
Peter Vevang
Sam Vevang
Karen L. Vinje
Lawrence Walechka
Melissa Walker
Curtis Lee Walter
Vicki Warner
Kendra Weber
Tom Week
John Weingartz
Randy and Linda Wendt
Dan V. West
Pam Whitfield
Sharon and Joseph Wieners
Shirley Wilson
Laura E. Wolf
Family Woodcock
Karin Wright
Madison Wurth
Curt Yess
President’s Club ($5,000+)
Family Dentist Tree
Mayo Clinic Foundation
State Farm
Voiture 327 - 40 & 8
Warren Skaaren Charitable Trust
Stewardship Club ($1,000-$4,999)
Sterling State Bank
Tom Kadlec Kia
West Bank
Winona State University Foundation
Zumbro Valley Medical Society Alliance
Dean’s Club ($500-$999)
Cabane Locale 327
Jetter Clean
Mayo Foundation Chapter of
Sigma Xi
Med City Animal Hospital
Minnesota Lakes Dental, P.L.L.C.
Northern Valley Animal Clinic
PEO Sisterhood Chapter BM
Rochester Commercial Banks Association
Rochester Police Benevolent Association
Thorson Tree Service
Tilson's Auto Repair
US Bank- Rochester
College Club ($200-$499)
CRW Architecture + Design Group
Custom Alarm
Hawkins Ash CPA's
Mayo Employee Federal Credit Union
Merchants Bank-Rochester
Merit Contracting, Inc.
Rochester Sunrisers Kiwanis
S&S Overhead Door
Seneca Foods Foundation
State Farm-Shawn Christensen
Workforce Development, Inc.
IN-KIND DONORS-Institutional
Compeer Financial
Dillons Auto Salvage
Encore Properties
Even Hotels/Staybridge Suites Mayo Clinic
Five West
Hiller Stores
Kreofsky Building Supplies
Rochester Athletic Club
Rochester Civic Theatre
Ryan Windows & Siding, Inc.
Tile Superstore and More
Patricia G. Anderson
Dale Brandenburger
Randall Carson
Robert Dimler
Matt Durand
Daniel Evenson
Brad Flies
Leon and Linda Gregg
Doston Harrelson
Faye Harris
Rebecca E. Hill
Travis Kaehler
Philip Karsell
Kelly Kruger
Richard Pottorff
Julie Rivers
Kimberly Rowley
Brian Sleik
Nick Sprau
Michael Strausbauch
Eric Tarr
Curtis Lee Walter
In Honor of Jen Budd
Caroline Lyngstad
In Memory of Mary Lou Baylon
Jenee and Shep McGurren
In Memory of Anne Benson
Rebecca Henderson
ViAnn Olson
In Memory of Frank Holmberg Bigelow, Jr.
Jenee and Shep McGurren
Roxy and Steve Roadway
In Memory of Lowell Bjoraker
Jenee and Shep McGurren
Michelle Messenger
In Memory of Paul Bolduan
Roxy and Steve Roadway
In Memory of Marion Boyd
Don Baldus
Jeffery Boyd
Melissa Brown
Teresa Brown
Annie Clement
Gary and Judy Kingsbury
Bill Maki
Kristin Mannix
Jenee and Shep McGurren
Michelle Messenger
Patricia Rogers
Don Supalla
Taresa Tweeten
Dan West
Karin Wright
In Memory of Brittany Bradford
Deborah Bendzick
In Memory of Betty Charon
Jenee and Shep McGurren
In Memory of Nancy Clemens
Roxy and Steve Roadway
In Memory of Adam Finseth
American Legion Post 551
Jennifer Andrew
Keri Bedeaux
Emily Dumonseau
Catherine Ellstrom
Diane Hensel
Gary and Judy Kingsbury
James Kraps
Alaya London
John Mills
Deanne Schemmel
Don Supalla
Katie Swegarden
In Memory of Jane Flickinger
Dawn Cherie Saterdalen
In Memory of Sandy Frame
Daniel Froelich
In Memory of Karen Fredrickson
Jenee and Shep McGurren
In Memory of Karen Geier
Richard and Patricia Geier
In Memory of Kathleen Glawe
John Glawe
In Memory of David Grossbach
Jenee and Shep McGurren
In Memory of Paul Halverson
Kristin Mannix
Jenee and Shep McGurren
Don Supalla
Karin Wright
In Memory of Joyce Hamernik
Jenee and Shep McGurren
In Memory of Howard Hofschulte
Jenee and Shep McGurren
In Memory of Willard Johnson
Jenee and Shep McGurren
Don Supalla
In Memory of Karen Kamradt
Jenee and Shep McGurren
Roxy and Steve Roadway
In Memory of Thomas Kennedy
Rebecca Henderson
In Memory of Ken Kritta
Jenee and Shep McGurren
In Memory of Gretchen Mannix
Melissa Leuning
Scott Smith
Paulette Teigen
In Memory of Joyce Marg
Debra Schloegel
In Memory of Teresa Martinez
Tammy Lee
In Memory of Kerry Nolte
Eva Colligan
Lynda Hanley
Joe Kocer
Roger R. Nolte
In Memory of Kathy Olson
Jenee and Shep McGurren
Shirley Wilson
In Memory of Gary Roddy
Jenee and Shep McGurren
In Memory of Jim Russell
Morrey Anderson
Bryan Benson
Timothy Benetti
Veronica Benetti
Richard Berg
Susan Black
John Bothum
Marty Branum
Tom Brinkman
Allen Dollerschell
Margaret Farrell
Karen Fredin
Rachel Garber
Carolyn Goulet
Brent Gurtner
Ruth Hein
Rollie Hinck
Jay Kachelski
Susan Kreager
Sharon Oliver
Patricia O’Neil
LaDonna Paul
Irvin Plitzuweit
Ione Schloegel
Brenda Simon
Jim Slavin
Julianne Stenehjem
Lynn Sulackow
Marilyn Theismann
Ken Thorne
In Memory of Ruth Siefert
Cy Champa
Tammy Lee
Irvin Plitzuweit
In Memory of Diane Sommerfield
Jenee and Shep McGurren
In Memory of Jean Sorensen
Jenee and Shep McGurren
In Memory of Rick Stelling
Jeanne Dick
Ellen Stelling
Judith OFallon
In Memory of Wayne Ward
Jenee and Shep McGurren
In Memory of Gerrie Webster
Jenee and Shep McGurren
In Memory of Shirley Wierzbinski
Jenee and Shep McGurren
The 正规赌博十大网站 Foundation would especially like to recognize those who have made a gift to support 正规赌博十大网站 through their estate. Estate gifts are a testimony to their commitment to education and leave an enduring legacy at 正规赌博十大网站.
James (Jim) Scudamore (’67) included the 正规赌博十大网站 Foundation as a beneficiary of the Scudamore Family Trust, with the goal of supporting scholarships at 正规赌博十大网站. When Jim passed away suddenly in 2023, we were notified of his generous gift to support our students with scholarships.
We are so grateful for Jim’s gift to support our students. It is a great honor to be entrusted with a gift from Jim’s estate, but sadly it’s too late to say thank you.
Make an Estate Gift to the 正规赌博十大网站 Foundation
The 正规赌博十大网站 Foundation would especially like to recognize those who have made a gift to support 正规赌博十大网站 through their estate. These gifts are a tribute to their commitment to education and leave an enduring legacy at 正规赌博十大网站.
Leonard Jansen to endow the Leonard and Phyllis Jansen Scholarship for students studying social sciences and transferring to a four-year institution.
Bill Rehm to endow the Connie Rehm Scholarship for students with MS or other chronic neurological conditions.
Jan Streiff to honor Walter and Sue Bateman with support for social science programs at 正规赌博十大网站.
正规赌博十大网站 Foundation 2023-2024 Annual Report

*The honor roll of donors is compiled by the 正规赌博十大网站 Foundation staff. Every effort is made to ensure that this list is accurate and complete. If we have inadvertently omitted, misspelled, or otherwise improperly reported your name or gift, please contact the 正规赌博十大网站 Foundation, at 507-281-7771 or